
Showing posts from February, 2018

Daily topic: lightsaber forms

In Star Wars the lightsaber is an elegant weapon, but only for those who know how to use it properly. Light saber combat is a key component in many lightsaber battles. Without it, you would be mindlessly swinging around a laser sword randomly with no pattern or opening in your opponent. There are 7 forms of lightsaber combat, each has a different attack style and strength and weakness. Here are the forms. First of is the first form of lightsaber combat known as Shi-Cho or "the way of the Sarlacc" or simply the determination form. It was designed for engaging multiple enemies and was not reccomended for those who were facing a single enemy as a single opponent could find an opening in the clumsy strikes. Shi-Cho in action The second form is known as Makashi and is more lightsaber dueling concentric and is served as a counter to form 1 Shi Cho. Users who wished to be effective with Makashi would have a specialized lightsaber made usually a curved hilt as it fit better ...

The Darksaber

In Mandalore, there is a respected symbol of the clan of house Vizla. It is the dark saber, constructed during the days of the old republic by Tarre Vizla, the first mandalorian ever to be inducted into the Jedi Order. When he passed the Jedi kept his unique lightsaber in the Jedi temple, until members of House Vizla snuck in and "liberated" it. Since then it was passed down from generation to generation. It is a respected symbol of all the clans of Mandalore. The Darksaber is most unique for it's actual blade like design and its unique black blade. The Darksaber This saber was in possession by the leader of the group called Death Watch, Pre Vizla.  Later on, Maul killed Vizla and won the saber. Later, Sabine Wren from Phoenix squadron acquired it and trained to wield it. Maul wielding his own lightsaber and the darksaber against Darth Sidious Sabine with the Darksaber Later on, Sabine gives it to the late Duchess Satine Kryze's sister, Botaine Kryz...

Daily topic:the light side of the force

The Light side was the lighter and good aspect of the force and was mostly utilized by the Jedi. The light side also known as Ashla (named after one of the moons of the planet Tython) had abilities that were focused on not doing harm to an individual except force push. These abilities such as Force heal were focused on helping others. A jedi utilizing force heal A noticeable Jedi power was the mind trick, which could be used to influence a mind and make them do things out of their control. The most famous being when Obi-wan told a storm trooper these aren't the droids they were looking for.  The light side was strict on a calm and collected mind as emotions led to recklessness and impatience which clouded the users judgement. The light side also was focused in using powers that contradicted the powers of the dark side. One of the powers that contradicted the dark side was called tutaminis which was the power to absorb power from force lightning, a sith power, and other ener...

The Ones or the Force Wielders of Mortis

There is a legend of a monolith in the Chrylethium system that pulls in ships looking for the fabled Chosen One. It is no legend anymore. The ones were a group of celestial beings whose job was to guard and represent the force. There was the Father who was the middle ground, The daughter who aligned herself with the light side of the force, and the Son who aligned himself with the dark side of the force. These three individuals were known as force wielders and could manipulate the force like no other. the Father who represents the middle ground The daughter who represents the light the Son, who embodies the dark side These three individuals were so powerful in the force, they could deflect lightsabers and even turn into animals.  These 3 force wielders were eventually killed when Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-wan Kenobi came to Mortis.

Daily Post: The Dark Side

The Dark side of the force was the darker and more evil aspect of the force, wielded mostly by the Sith. The Dark side was considered more powerful than the light, as it unlocked new abilities that the Jedi deemed dangerous and evil and therefore banned it. The Dark side also known as Bogan, (named after one of the moons of the planet Tython) unlocked abilities such as force lightning and force choke. It relied on the users emotions and corrupted said user. One of the trademarks of the dark side of the force in the force user was the user's eyes turned yellow. The Grand inquisitor with his sith eyes The Grand Inquisitor when he was a Knight of the Jedi order The dark side also was more seductive and dangerous to a potential user. If an untrained user in the force were to use the dark side without being corrupted by it, they would feel a coldness and in some cases faint. Other individuals who were trained in the force well enough can also use the dark...

daily topic: Kyber crystals

Kyber crystals are the key component in lightsabers as they are what project the laser itself and makes it take a unique color. Without a kyber crystal, a lightsaber would be a useless metal handle. There are many uses for kyber crystals in the star wars universe besides being the key in lightsabers. Kyber crystals can be used as a power source and amplifier for lasers a key example being the death star. Kyber crystals have also been shown to be connected to the force. Sith dominate their kyber crystals which causes them to "bleed" and turn red therefore giving the Sith their trademark red lightsabers. A force user can "heal" a red kyber crystal causing it to turn white again. Ahsoka Tano did this when she healed two red crystals from an inquisitors lightsaber. There is your daily star wars topic for today. I will also be posting a long discussion on the concept of Gray Jedi. Until then, may the force be with you!