Daily topic:the light side of the force

The Light side was the lighter and good aspect of the force and was mostly utilized by the Jedi. The light side also known as Ashla (named after one of the moons of the planet Tython) had abilities that were focused on not doing harm to an individual except force push. These abilities such as Force heal were focused on helping others.
Image result for force healing star wars
A jedi utilizing force heal
A noticeable Jedi power was the mind trick, which could be used to influence a mind and make them do things out of their control. The most famous being when Obi-wan told a storm trooper these aren't the droids they were looking for. 

The light side was strict on a calm and collected mind as emotions led to recklessness and impatience which clouded the users judgement. The light side also was focused in using powers that contradicted the powers of the dark side. One of the powers that contradicted the dark side was called tutaminis which was the power to absorb power from force lightning, a sith power, and other energies such as a lightsaber and blaster bolts.
Yoda Absorbing Force lightning through Tutaminis.
The Jedi were most recognizable by their light colored robes and lightsabers. Their lightsabers were usually blue and green, but their were a few special ones such as Mace Windu's purple lightsaber. 

And thats it for the Light side. May the Force be with You!


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