Daily Post: The Dark Side

The Dark side of the force was the darker and more evil aspect of the force, wielded mostly by the Sith. The Dark side was considered more powerful than the light, as it unlocked new abilities that the Jedi deemed dangerous and evil and therefore banned it. The Dark side also known as Bogan, (named after one of the moons of the planet Tython) unlocked abilities such as force lightning and force choke. It relied on the users emotions and corrupted said user. One of the trademarks of the dark side of the force in the force user was the user's eyes turned yellow.
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The Grand inquisitor with his sith eyes
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The Grand Inquisitor when he was a Knight of the Jedi order

The dark side also was more seductive and dangerous to a potential user. If an untrained user in the force were to use the dark side without being corrupted by it, they would feel a coldness and in some cases faint. Other individuals who were trained in the force well enough can also use the dark side when feeling an uncontrollable amount of anger and frustration such as when Anakin Skywalker demonstrated many times during the Clone Wars through his use of force choke.
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Anakin Utilizing force choke on Poggle the Lesser
Sometimes a Jedi who has come into numerous contacts with the dark side may find themselves corrupted by it and turn into dark Jedi. These are Jedi who use the dark side as a means to the end while following parts of the Jedi code.

It is also demonstrated that the Dark side can twist a person's perception and cloud their judgement. We see this in Star Wars Rebels when Ahsoka has a little force chat with Anakin where Anakin is furious with her decision of leaving the Jedi Order and him. He accuses Ahsoka of being one of the main reasons for his turn into Darth Vader. The Dark side also keeps the person's memories intact as Anakin remembers Ahoska and Rex. 

The Dark side can also be used to probe someone's mind. We see this in the Force Awakens when Kylo Ren demonstrates on multiple occasions as he probes Poe's and Rey's minds for the location of the map to Luke. 

That being said, someone who has fallen prey to the dark side can come back. We see this first in the Son in the Mortis Trilogy when he experiences moments of sorrow. When Daughter sacrifices herself to save the Father, the Son, in realization of what she has done, screams in grief and sorrow before flying away. 
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Daughters death with a distraught son
Later when the Son goes to the Daughter's tomb to recover the Dagger of Mortis, he says to his sister,

"Its ironic my sister, you were the only one I truly loved," 
after saying this the Son grabs the dagger and seals the Daughters tomb for respect and love of his lost sister. As we see the Son who is the pure incarnation of the Dark side, has moments where the dark side holds no sway over him and reveal he is a good person. 

So that is all for my daily Post. I will be posting a short article on the Force Wielders of Mortis and their significance in the Star Wars universe after this. Until then, may the force be with you! 


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