The Darksaber

In Mandalore, there is a respected symbol of the clan of house Vizla. It is the dark saber, constructed during the days of the old republic by Tarre Vizla, the first mandalorian ever to be inducted into the Jedi Order. When he passed the Jedi kept his unique lightsaber in the Jedi temple, until members of House Vizla snuck in and "liberated" it. Since then it was passed down from generation to generation. It is a respected symbol of all the clans of Mandalore.

The Darksaber is most unique for it's actual blade like design and its unique black blade.
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The Darksaber
This saber was in possession by the leader of the group called Death Watch, Pre Vizla.  Later on, Maul killed Vizla and won the saber. Later, Sabine Wren from Phoenix squadron acquired it and trained to wield it.
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Maul wielding his own lightsaber and the darksaber against Darth Sidious
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Sabine with the Darksaber
Later on, Sabine gives it to the late Duchess Satine Kryze's sister, Botaine Kryze. Kryze then becomes the leader of Mandalore. 


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