Cross guard lightsabers

In the Force Awakens, everyone got introduced to the new villain, Kylo Ren, whose lightsaber made him unique. What if I were to tell you it wasn't and in was in fact part of a battle on the planet Malachor. The cross guard lightsaber was originally created during a battle called the Scourge of Malachor in which Jedi and Sith both fought with the verge of a super weapon being unleashed. The cross guard lightsaber had to have a cracked kyber crystal in order for the lightsaber to actually work. The way this works is that the cracked kyber crystal needs to vent excess energy, so in order to do so, vents are created on the side which give this lightsaber a more traditional sword look.

Image result for crossguard lightsaber blueprints
See the venting of the energy near the crystal
There have been only 2 cross guard lightsabers show in star wars canon. One of them was found on the planet Malachor by Ezra Bridger, the blade lasted for about 5 seconds before sputtering out.
Image result for crossguard lightsaber green

So thats all for cross guard lightsabers, May the force be with you


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