Daily Topic: Mandalore and Mandalorians

One of my personal favorite planets in the Star Wars universe is Mandalore. Mandalore is a planet in the outer rim territories. The inhabitants that live there are Mandalorians. I will give you a guide through the planet, the people, the way of life, and the concepts and traditions.

First off I will talk to you about the features of the planet itself. Mandalore itself is a moon with white, hot, deserts with a breathable atmosphere. However due to the intense climate, living on the bare surface is impossible. In order to rectify this problem, mandalorians built bio-domes that made an enclosed area of the planet hospitable and truly magnificent. 

Sundari Desert
One of the Bio-Domes that contains the capital of mandalore
The cities of Mandalore are a sight to behold and are truly beautiful and magnificent. Many of the structures actually resemble more of a glass like version of New York City in my opinion. 
A park in Mandalore, Serene and Beautiful

Mandalore chose to be neutral during the Clone War and it seems to have paid off well for the people of the planet. 

The Mandalorians are seen to be just like your average person. Many however are full of kindness and are eager to see new visitors to their planet as shown when Senator Padme Amidala visited Mandalore to talk to her old friend, duchess Satine Kryze about the state of Mandalore, the people gave Senator Amidala a warm welcome as well as cheering and welcoming her to their planet, to which point Padme says to Satine, "now this is a Mandalorian welcome," and Satine replies with "We are a people of tradition." 

The main traditions of Mandalore involve the close loyalty and duty to your family. This is important to every clan of Mandalore as your duty is to your family first and your friends second. Mandalorian armor is an important part of their tradition. The armor itself represents the battles and history of the wearer and the wearer's family and as a result should not be taken off. This is stated by Sabine Wren when Ezra Bridger asks her if she and her fellow Mandalorians could make a new set of armor due to a superweapon targeting and vaporizing Mandalorians due to one of the components in their armor. 

Mandalore's history dates all the way back to the Old Republic. One noticeable event in the time of the Old Republic was the induction of Tarre Vizla, the only mandalorian to ever have been inducted into the Jedi order. (For More info see my DarkSaber post.) This was around the time when the Jedi fought the Mandalorians in the Mandalorian war.  The Jedi won in the end and Mandalore reverted to a more peaceful people and less of a warrior based people. 


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